Professional Ethics Essay

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Professional Ethics and Law; A Foundation for Successful Nursing Practice

University of Phoenix

Professional Ethics and Law; A Foundation for Successful Nursing Practice What constitutes professional ethics? How does ethical theory lay a foundation for nurses in finding solutions to ethical dilemmas? To answer these questions, we will look at ethical theories and principles, and delve into how personal values can impact professional decisions and ethics. Additionally, we will look to define professional ethics in practice and describe the relationships between legal and ethical issues. We will address how personal values are formed from a person’s exposure, in life, to environment and family. This writer will share personal and professional values, with examples in current practice, to illustrate application of these values. Last, this writer will offer an opinion on how the value of an ethical foundation, and knowledge of laws, pertaining to nursing practice, will benefit personal practice. What are Professional Ethics? Professional ethics are standards, for behaviors and of conduct, set in place, by a specific profession. In nursing, ethics are applied to the care of patients, generally defined as individuals, families, and the community,( ANA,2010). Nursing ethics deal with the concepts of duty, compassion, respect, integrity, honesty and responsibility, to name a few. These ethical standards guide nurses in making decisions in practice. Professional ethics are comprised of assumptions that have all-inclusive relevance and can be used as a barometer for benchmarking professional conduct, whereas, personal values are those ‘truths’ held to be important and authentic for the individual. Professional Ethics are those that must be used to govern

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