Productive Resources and Economics System

431 Words2 Pages
a resource is something we rely on or use to accomplish a goal. For example, if you are trying to run a factory, labor and available land are resources you might rely on it. If you are trying to heat your home or melt steel for car production, gas, oil, coal and electricity are resources you might rely on it. Nowadays people worry a lot about the resources on which they depend. in economics, the most common to divide productive resources into 3 categories which are land, labor, and capital. Secondly, an economics system is a system that involves the production, distraction and consumption of goods and services between the entitles in a particular society. the economics system is composed of people and institutions including their relationships to productive resources such as through the convention of property. in our economy, the problems of economics are addressed, such as the economic problem of scarcity through allocation of finite productive resources. And the contemporary of economics system include capitalist systems, socialist systems, and economic system of Islam. Economics system of Islam which implies the mood of satisfying the economics needs of the members. The mood of spending production, destruction and exchange of wealth is considered by the tenor of these injections. in this systems, the most important is that the economics activities of members of the society are regulative by the some values which are justice, cooperation, brotherhood and equality. Consumers, producers and traders are must abide these values. However, the Islam mostly ensures their implementations and daily affair of life through its system of education and training by creating a general climate of piety in the society. Furthermore, the economics system involves investments, production, the allocation of economic inputs distraction of economics input and outputs, land, households,
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