Produce a Report Which Details the Requirements for the Scientific Community to Research Into Complementary Therapies

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What Is Scientific Research Having read a number of research studies scientific research seems to consist mainly of inquiries, observations and experiments. It attempts to use these to answer questions about how cam therapies can benefit people. It does not provide absolute answers to questions, but instead gives probable answers based on evidence and information gathered. The Reason for Carring out Research There are a number of important reasons to carry out research into cam Therapies * Check safety for use * How they work and if there claims are valid * A comparison to other recognized treatments * How they interact with conventional medicines * To help gain credibility with in the professional community * Overview of their effects on clients * To find out if treatments are cost effective Research methodologies and sourses of information used The methods Used create conditions under which it is more likely that conclusions are drawn based on evidence rather than speculation or common knowledge. There are many different Methodologies used the most common two are Qualitative Research * To gain an understanding of underlying reasons and motivations * Generating ideas for later quantitative research * To uncover trends in thought and opinion This is done through in depth Interviews, focus groups and case studies (Appendix T1) It’s finding out not just what people think and feel but why they think and feel it. It’s about getting people to talk about their opinions so you can understand their motivations and feelings. Quantitative Research * To quantify data and generalize results from a large sample group of people * To measure the incidence of various views and opinions in a chosen group This is done through online questionnaires, on-street or telephone interviews with a large number of people.

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