Procedural Programming vs Oop

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Procedural Programming vs. Object-Oriented Programming Procedural or algorithmic programming is a type of programming method which focuses on a collection procedures that happen in the program. Procedural programming operates on data that are separate from the function. These data are usually passed from one procedure to another. According to Russell (n.d.) the structure of methods used in Procedural programming is called Top Down Design. Procedural programming using a method called functional decomposition. It starts with procedure than it breaks down the procedure into small procedures called sub procedure. It keeps on continue until the sub procedures are small enough to easily solve. The problem with Procedural programming is that it is hard to maintain the software. One change to the main procedure can affect the sub procedure and affect the sub of the sub procedure and so on. So making change to Procedural programming is time consuming and complicate. Object-Oriented programming, on the other hand, is a type of programming method that focus on object which contains both data and methods all together. Object allows other outside code to access its methods, but the data that reside in the object are off limit. This make it easy for programmers to change the data in an object without affecting the way outside code interacts with the object. Features of Object-Oriented Programming Reusability Reusability in object-oriented programming is the ability to reuse code in others’ program without making any change to the code. This allow programmers to reuse other object which will enable them to save times and money to developed their own new code. All they need to do is reuse the existing code and add features which will enable them to reduce code size. For instance, James works at Toyota. His boss asked him to write a program that will store information of car
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