Problems And Strategies In Services Marketing

6103 Words25 Pages
Valarie A. ZeithamI, A. Parasuraman, & Leonard L Berry Problems and Strategies in Services Marketing This article compares problems and strategies cited in the services marketing literature with those reported by actual service suppliers in a study conducted by the authors. Discussion centers on several broad themes that emerge from this comparison and on guidelines for future work in services marketing. T HREE basic assumptions pervade the growing body of literature on services marketing. TTie first holds that a number of unique characteristics—notably intangibility, inseparability of production and consumption, heterogeneity, and perishability—separate services firom tangible goods. The second assumption maintains that these characteristics pose vexing problems for services marketers that are not faced by goods marketers. The third and final assumption holds that services marketing problems require services marketing solutions—that strategies developed from experience in goods marketing are often insufficient. The purposes of this article are: (1) to offer a conceptual framework summarizing the unique characteristics of services, the problems stemming from tlKse characteristics, and the strategies suggested as appropriate to overcome the problems; (2) to report the findings of a national survey of managers of service firms concerning the problems they face and the marketing strategies they use to overcome them; (3) to compare the problems and strategies cited in the literature with those reported by managers of services firms; and (4) to offer recommendations for the development of services marketing thought. Literature on Services Marketing The rationale for a separate treatment of services marketing centers on die existence of a number of characteristics of services which are consistently citaJ in die literature: intangibility, inseparability of

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