Privileged Communications Essay

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Privileged Communications Privileged Communications Privileged communications recognizes the discloser of sacred or confidential information remaining between client and Attorney. However evidence that is private information gets released to the public violates that person’s rights. Furthermore it can bring consequences for that person who violated the professional or sacred relationship they had between their clients. A Professional’s values can affect how they handle privileged communications with their clients. Evidence that is secured by a professional can still change the outcome of a case. Defining privileged communications, the laws for this subject vary from state to state. “However, in civil actions and proceedings, which respect to an element of a claim to which state law supplies the rule of decision, the privileged of a witness, person, government, state, or political subdivision therefore shall be determined in accordance with state law” (Polk) In other words each states legislation is inconsistent regarding privileges. The federal states are nonexistent or contribute very little guidance on the matter. Violating privileges relays more on communications and political platforms. Federal courts rarely got involved with evidentiary privileges however when they do it on a large scale. When federal courts get involved they analyze a couple of factors. Whether federal policies approve a privilege? Whether states acknowledge the privilege? They also acknowledge that a privilege upholds the same goals & policies that traditional compliment the growth of privilege law. Furthermore “Whether legal scholars have championed the adoption of the privilege.(Polk) Privileged communications has many legal boundaries. However it’s a professional’s job to help clines and avoid legal problems, and it all starts with the professionals values. Values can
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