Prison Counselor Essay

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Unit 2 Assignment Job 1 Job Title: PRISON COUNSELOR Job Description: Employees in this job complete and oversee a variety of professional assignments to carry out the activities of a prison counseling treatment and rehabilitation program. Work is performed by evaluating prisoners' behavior to determine when progress has been made through treatment programs. Education/Licensure Requirements: Possession of a bachelor's degree in criminal justice, correctional administration, criminology, psychology, social work, counseling and guidance, child development, sociology, school social work, social work administration, family relations, human services, or theology. Skills needed for the job, taken from both the job description and your own analysis of the job (Note: Be sure to list at least 5 skills, three of which are specific skills in the Psychology field): |Skill |Necessity of Skill | |1. Knowledge of individual and group counseling |To be able to give general vocational, academic, social, and personal counseling to | |techniques. |individuals and to be able to explain the institution and its program to prisoners. | |2. Knowledge of psychological and social problems in|To be able to meet with the prisoners and prisoner groups to resolve problems and explain| |a correctional setting. |rules and regulations. | |3. Knowledge of methods of alleviating social, |Confers with administrative and medical personnel in formulating plans for work | |psychological and environmental problems which are |assignments, training and other aids in institution adjustment and parole preparation.
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