Prism Adaptation Essay

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Exam Number: Y8184744 Prism Adaptation Theory: Altering the relationship between our visual world and our proprioception on participants. Abstract: The Prism Adaptation Theory hypothesises that after wearing goggles that shift the world to one side, we should be able to adjust to our new visual system through conscious compensation by recalibrating our proprioception and vision. Also active participants were more likely to adapt than passive participants. The distinction between active and passive participants is important as it illustrates the significance of proprioception in visualisation. Participant adaptation was examined by measuring their recalibrated proprioception and vision before and after wearing goggles. It was found that participants were better at pointing at a line before wearing the goggles. These data suggest that participants were able to adjust to consciously compensate. Introduction Prism Adaptation as oppose to placing light or images of the environment on the retina, involves shifting the visual field in a particular angle so that everything seems moved. This is an interesting concept as it can prove that what we perceive the world to be is actually incorrect. The Prism Adaptation Theory postulates that images from the outside world enter the lens upside down we then re-invent these images the right way up. This study was designed to examine recalibrated proprioception and vision and conscious compensation in active and passive individuals. Proprioception is the capacity to see things through motion, i.e. what we feel our limbs to be doing direct us to what we see. Conscious compensation refers to adjusting to an upside down visual world after much exercise. (Thompson, 2011). The Prism Study’s hypothesis is that after wearing prism goggles we should be able to adjust to a new visual system through conscious compensation by
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