Principles of Traditional Animation Applied to 3d Computer Animation

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(~ ~ ComputerGraphics,Volume21, Number4, July 1987 P RINCIPLES OF TRADITIONAL A N I M A T I O N APPLIED TO 3D COMPUTER ANIMATION John Lasseter Pixar San Rafael California "There is no particular mystery in animation.., it's really very simple, and like anything that is simple, it is about the hardest thing in the world to do." B ill Tytla at the Walt Disney Studio, June 28, 1937. [14] ABSTRACT T his paper describes the basic principles of traditional 2D hand drawn animation and their application to 3D computer animation. After describing how these principles evolved, the individual principles are detailed, addressing their meanings in 2D hand drawn animation and their application to 3D computer animation. This should demonstrate the importance of these principles to quality 3D computer animation. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: 1.3.6 C omputer Graphics : M ethodology and Techniques - Interaction techniques; 1.3.7 C omputer Graphics : T hree-dimensional Graphics and Realism Animation; J.5 C omputer Applications : A rts and Humanities - Arts, fine and performing. General Terms: Design, Human Factors. Additional Keywords and Phrases: Animation Principles, Keyframe Animation, Squash and Stretch, Luxo Jr. I. INTRODUCTION E arly research in computer animation developed 2D animation techniques based on traditional animation. [7] Techniques such as storyboarding [11], key/tame animation, [4,5] inbetweening, [16,22] scan/paint, and multiplane backgrounds [17] attempted to apply the eel animation process to the computer. As 3D computer animation research matured, more resources were devoted to image rendering than to animation. Because 3D computer animation uses 3D models instead of 2D drawings, fewer techniques from traditional animation were applied. Early 3D animation systems were script based [6], followed by a few

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