Prejudice In To Kill a Mocking Bird

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Prejudice in To Kill a Mockingbird plays a big role in the town of Maycomb. Prejudice was especially in affect in the trial of Tom Robinson, a black man who lived in Maycomb. Because of the extreme prejudice in Maycomb County, Tom Robinson was convicted of rape and was unfairly sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit. Maycomb contained four classes. The first and upper class included the white people who were considered “rich.” Some people in the class were Atticus Finch, a highly respected lawyer and citizen in town, and Judge Taylor, the justice of Maycomb County and the judge for the Robinson trial. Some other characters who can belong to the upper class were Ms. Maudie, and Miss Stephanie Crawford, the town gossip. The second class in Maycomb included the white workers, and primarily farmers who struggled to make things in their household function. The Cunninghams, Dolphus Raymond, and the Radley family represented this class. The third class of Maycomb was the “white trash.” The Ewells, who lived at the dump and relied on welfare, were apart of this class. The Cunninghams, unlike the Ewells, would not accept charity and they paid their debts with what they had, another way the Cunninghams were different from the Ewells was because they didn't take advantage of Black men. The fourth class included all the blacks that lived in Maycomb. Prejudice was all over Maycomb. A person of color was always in the lowest class. The Blacks lived apart from the whites in their own section of town. The strong prejudice of Maycomb was demonstrated in the trial of Tom Robinson. Tom was a hard-working, warm-hearted Black man who went out of his way to be kind and helpful to some poor white trash. He helped Mayella because he felt sorry for her. His major weak point was the fact that he was black. Bob Ewell, a white drunk, who was a problem for the town,

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