Prejudice in Mice and Men

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CANDY (OLD AND INFIRM) “lousy ol’ sheep”  …Carlson’s attitude towards his dog (A70,P48): ‘I don’t know nothing that stinks as bad as an old dog. You gotta get himout…he ain’t no good to himself. Why’n’t you shoot him, Candy?’  …Candy’s words about his future (A88, P66): ‘You seen what they done to my dog tonight?…When they can me here…I won’t have no place to go, an’ I can’t get no more jobs.’ He believes he will share the same fate as his dog eventually, because he is old he is seen as 2useless2.  In the novel old age is associated with lack of ability, even in modern times, we still believe old people to lack vital capabilities. However, there are some old people who are still fit and capable of working.  It is a sad thought as Candy is waiting to be put out of his misery, as he is old he believes there is nothing to look forward to, before the dream farm.  Due to his damaged he is unable to do a lot of the jobs that the other ranch hands do making him instantly an outsider. Also because he thinks that he is old he puts himself in a state of mind which handicaps him far more than his missing hand ever will. His life echoes that of his dog, he was once "the best damn sheep-dog I ever seen" but now is next to useless, Candy's life has gone somewhat the same way. CURLEY’S WIFE (WOMEN) “a tart”  …who is not even given a name, but seen as the possession of the man she married (Curley’s wife)  `Curley's wife', never given a name, she is simply Curley’s possession  She is seen a sexual object by Curley and the ranch men, she lacks power, the only powers she has is that of a seductress through the use of her body.  …whom the men see as dangerous due to  Curley’s jealousy (A54, P35): George tells Lennie: ‘I seen ‘em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her.’ George is prejudice against her due to her ornate appearance, he
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