Practice Of New Urbanism In Contemporary Architect

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The Practice of New Urbanism in Contemporary Architecture Abstract During the past twenty years, we have experienced a reform movement identified by practitioners as New Urbanism. According to some architects and planners, New Urbanism has been influential in contemporary architecture and urban planning. Other practitioners do not share this view and believe New Urbanism has not had a major impact on large urban cities and has most often been successful in suburban areas. This study will examine how the concept of New Urbanism has contributed to current practices of architecture. To do so, this study will compare and contrasts research and personal accounts relative to the concept of New Urbanism. The study will look at the influence of New Urbanism on conventional standards of urban development, such as population growth, mixed-use of residential development, transportation, education, community relationships, landscape environments and economic businesses. Electronic searches of databases relevant to architecture were used to identify studies regarding the impact of New Urbanism. Personal interviews with contemporary architects and urban planners were also conducted to gain a better understanding about how New Urbanism is perceived by current professionals in the field. The information gathered suggest that New Urbanism is more than just an attempt to restore urban centers and towns within metropolitan regions but the ideas are used to reestablish the relationship between the art of a building and creating an active community through participatory planning and designing for citizens. 2 Introduction New Urbanism has been described as the most influential movement in architecture and urban planning in the United States since the modernist movement (Bohl, 2000). New urbanism is a movement that promotes the creation and restoration of diverse, walkable,

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