Power Hungry Essay

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According to the dictionary, the word “power” can be defined in the following ways political or national strength, great or marked ability to do or act, strength, might, force. A power hungry person would be the one in the possession of control or command over others; authority; ascendancy. For example, when we crave food our body alerts us with hunger pangs or irritability. If we ignore them, this desire only gets stronger. Same is true with desire for power. It’s true that the word carries a negative connotation for many people, but it may not always be the case. There’s certainly nothing wrong with having the desire to set a goal and reach it, but with power-hungry people (like the people described below), this can go to extremes. Some common characteristics shared by power hungry characters would be that they don’t respect boundaries, are never satisfied, sacrifice others to reach their goal and are feared not respected. Hitler was a German dictator responsible for the Holocaust during the Second World War in which over 14 million people, including 6 million Jews were put to death through mass gassing, starvation and exhaustion and disease resulting from slave labor. Hitler was highly feared and spread paranoia throughout the lands. He suffered from extreme personal insecurity and fits of anxiety, mostly manifested through fear of being ridiculed, he also saw himself as knowing everything best. Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq with an iron fist. Also known as the modern day Hitler, Saddam was infamous for using chemical weapons in war against Iran, invading Kuwait in the Gulf War, and destroying all its oil fields and of course for torturing and killing people on his human shredder. He was executed on 30th Dec 2006. Like other power hungry leaders, he became blind to his own failure, overestimated his own country's military power, and believed that he
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