Effects Of Poverty In Nepal

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The country I have chosen is Nepal. Some background is that Nepal’s population size as of July 2007 28,901,790. The size of Nepal isn’t as big as most areas, it’s total area is 147,181 sq km, which includes 143,181 sq km of land and 4,000 sq km of water, it’s roughly slightly bigger than Arkansas. “Poverty can be defined in many different ways. Some attempts to reduce it to numbers, while others argue that a more ambiguous definition must be used. In the end, a combination of both methods is best, today, most economists and social workers use two ways to define poverty”. The official name of Nepal is Kingdom of Nepal, it’s capital is Kathamandu. Nepal’s prime Minster is Pushpa Kamal Dahal as of Aug 18, 08. Chief of state Pres. Ram Baran Yaday as of July 23, 08. Date of constitution was Nov 9, 1990. It’s currency is called…show more content…
The reason education was an issue was they had to qualify for school, mainly the rich got to go. Another effect of poverty was the decade long war, in which 13,000 people were killed, 70,000 were displaced from their homes, and children are held in military containment. After that incident, it was told by Henry D. Doulth that 45% of the people stayed in Tarai, the rest stayed in the hills and valley regions which; also had a high rate of disease. “According to sociologists, there are two different types of poverty. Situational poverty occurs when a family suffers a negative change in finances due to an illness, job loss, or other temporary event. Living in situational poverty, although still traumatic, usually has minimal lasting effects. Generational poverty, however, is a persistent and long term struggle that occurs when two or more generations of the same family are living in poverty. Generational poverty is thought by many to be one of the most difficult long term effects of poverty to

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