Poverty and Wealthy Life

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Goals in life, When we are in high school until college we are doing everything for our dream and for our future. That is our motivation to finish our studies with a good grade because we all know that it will help us if we’re going to seek for a job. Influences makes a person to change, they work and they earn but for their bad habit not for their family. “Rich kid” they have the tendency who worked for himself because they have no worries about their future. “Selfishness” the tendency of some youth today born with silver spoon in their mouth, they lack sense of responsibility. They are very fortunate to have their wealthy life they just live without worries and they have all the time to plan for their future well. Long ago our parent will be the only person who worked for the family but eventually everything changed, even students from high school and college are working to study. In our present times our youth is working very hard in studying to get a better life, many of them are sacrificing their dreams just for their family and love ones. Some of them are working while studying, others trying to maintain their grades to stay in scholar status until they graduate but the reality in this life whatever sacrifices you make at the end of the day, Job is not that easy to find. Love, pushes us to “Sacrifice” to go abroad away from our family and love ones because we all hoping that this is the only choice to have a better future. OFW’s are the best example of this sacrifice because they are the people who think for their family not only for themselves, facing the truth that we can’t find better opportunity if we don’t have a College degree here in the Philippines that’s why they are forced to look for a job abroad. Care giver is the most common work for the Filipinos because we are the only country that known for hospitality and being thoughtful. We might not
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