Postcolonial Keywords Essay

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I-INTRODUCTION The Field of post-colonial literature/studies is the literary writings that reacts to the discourse of colonization.Post-colonial literature often deals with issues of deconolization or political and cutural independence of people dominated by colonial ruels.It is also a literary critique to texts that have racist or colonial messages. Some would date its rise in the western academy from the publication of Edward Said’s influential critique of Western constructions of the orient in his 1978 book , Orientalism .The growing of post-colonial literature was enforced by the appearnance in 1989 of The empire writes back ,theory and practice in post-colonial literature Bill Aschcroft, by Gareth Griffiths,and Helen Tiffin ,since then, the use of terms like ‘’commonwealth’’ and ‘’thirdworld’’ that were used to describe the literature of Europe’s former colonies has became rarer. Post-colonial literature in its most recent form , also attempt to critique the contemporary discourse that has been shaped over recent times .Post-colonial literary critics focus on the social discourse that shaped it .Edward Said in his popular work Orientalism analyzes the writings of Honoré de Balzac,Charles Bandelaine , explaining how they were influenced,and how they helped to shape a social fantasy of European racial superiority . In this research we are going to study a list of post-colonial key concepts which seems to be the most important to discuss .many of these terms are central to post-colonial studies others are shared with other fields of study But all the words in this Key Concepts will be used at some stage in the field and will be useful for students as they engage this increasingly vibrant field. II- List of Post-colonial Key Words Aboriginal/indigenous people Indigenous people are those ‘born in place or regions’ (OED).The term ‘aboriginal’ was used to
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