Portrait Of Artist As a Young Men

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KRAZINI Basra First year master LMD student Discuss the Joycean representation of men Irish society Line of thoughts: The Irish society through the eyes of James Joyce The example of “The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” Stephen Dedalus transformation from childhood to adulthood: Stephen as a young boy trying to understand the world around him (his society) Stephen determination of neglecting all the constraints of his family, religion and society Essay: James Joyce was an Irish novelist and poet whose psychological views opened up a whole new world to the twentieth century writers. He is still known as one of the most influential writers not only in Ireland, but all throughout Ireland. In Dubliners, written by Joyce, the characters are faced with critical decisions which lead to their escape, in Ireland at that time, society was going through many problems such as alcoholism, poverty and depression and Joyce wrote this book to explain what types of problems people were going through in Ireland and to show the moral characteristics of Dubliners in his short stories. The Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man, by James Joyce, is a semiautobiographical novel, in which Joyce narrates the story of a young man (Stephen) who has the same situation as Joyce had, he is a highly intelligent and sensitive young boy tries to understand his society living with religious mother and patriotic father who decides to ignore all his social, familial and religious constraints and devotes his life to the art of writing. There are three major themes in this novel, which develop together and challenge the protagonist at the same time. For the young Stephen, Catholic Church and religious beliefs, his family (which represent his nation) and Ireland are three obstacles. Therefore, Stephen undergoes several crucial transformations over the course of the novel.
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