Porters Competitive Advantage of Nations

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Using Porter’s Competitive Advantage of Nations: Diamond Factors discuss the competitive advantage of Singapore or any country of your choice. Use theories and examples to illustrate your answer. 1. Executive Summary National prosperity is created, not inherited. While not all nations are created equally, Michael Porter’s argues the reasons on why some nations are more competitive than others; and why some industries within nations more competitive compared to others. To illustrate the determinants of national competitive advantage, Porter’s uses a diamond framework based upon an analysis of the characteristics of the national environment that identifies four sets of variable which influence firms’ abilities to establish and sustain competitive advantage within international markets. Citing from Porter’s book (1990, p. 383), The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Porter is less optimistic about the future of Singapore’s economy compared to Korea. According to his views (1990, p.566), Singapore will remain as a factor driven economy which will reflects an early stage of economic development. However, since the publication of Porter's work, Singapore can be seen as being more successful than Korea. In this paper, I will be discussing the competitive advantage of Singapore based on Porter’s diamond factors. 2. Dynamics of the National Diamond Before we could discuss the competitive advantage of a nation, we have to first look into the elements of Porter’s diamond. There are four determinants in the diamond on competitive advantage which operate interdependently rather than individually. For the diamond to positively impact competitive performance, it usually requires that all four elements are to be present. Specifically, the four determinants that appears on the corners of the national diamond are namely, the factor conditions; demand conditions;

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