Pornography and Its Effects on Young Adults

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A TERM PAPER ON PORNOGRAPHY and its Effects on Young Adults INTRODUCTION All kinds of problems are faced by our society now more than ever. Problems relating to finances, family, technology, and media are just some of these. One main issue that needs to be addressed and concerns most of us is pornography. In today's society, the portrayal of sexually explicit images has become something normal or basically a habit accompanied by pleasure. What was once considered taboo in the past is now openly available and accessible to everyone. What makes this a very alarming situation is that the younger generation are already very much exposed to this kind things. Some of them are exposed to this on a daily basis that is has become a habit. Pornography has been defined inversely; first, in its original meaning, it literally means "writing about prostitutes" from the Greek words "porne" (prostitute) and graphein (write), however, the etymology of the term is not much of a guide to its current use, since many of the things commonly called "pornography" at the present time are neither literally written nor literally about prostitutes. Secondly, in dictionaries, it is defined as “written, graphic or other forms of communication intended to excite lascivious or lustful feelings” and third, in the Christian bible, pornography came from the greek word “porneia” which means "fornication". (Nuguid, 1998) In our society as democratic as we are, it guarantees the freedom of expression and nowadays it includes sexual expression. Nevertheless, most conservative Christian churches have greatly expanded the English term "fornication." It is to them a catch-all term. During the Greek and Roman period, they produced many a sexually explicit artifact; including vases, images and statues,depicting homosexuality, threesomes, fellatio and cunnilingus, while sex toys have also been

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