Porn And Society

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PORNOGRAPHY AND SOCIETY There are major personal problems brought on by the consumption of pornography. However, porn’s affect on culture, churches, families and even marriages have far exceeded a problem that is merely personal. The porn problem is global. Almost 50,000 websites are pornographic.[1] That means 12% of the sites on the entire internet are dedicated to porn. There are over 40 million Americans visiting porn sites on a regular basis. Over $3,000 is spent on porn every second. This means that worldwide the porn industry is making anywhere from almost 50-96 billion a year in revenue.[2] Researchers have estimated that the average age a child sees porn for the first time is between nine and eleven years of age.[3] Because of the internet, pornography has become pervasive in our society, giving unprecedented access to people from all walks of life and religious backgrounds. Porn is not prejudiced, all anyone needs is access. Pornography fosters intense changes which result in a negative effect on marriage, relationships, families and culture at large. Research shows that pornography is not only bad for followers of Christ, but is extremely damaging and addictive. The purpose of this paper is to explore the extreme saturation of pornography in the lives of men, and consequently, the extent to which society, specifically the family, lies in peril as a result. Porn is a weapon that has been strategically deployed to target and destroy men, crippling, if not rendering completely impossible, Biblical leadership of the home. Because of this fact discussion will focus on the effect pornography has and continues to have on men, their minds, and their relationships. . The Pervasiveness of Porn in Culture Pornography has been making its way into the arts and other media, especially movies and TV, for years now. Because of this mainstream acceptance,
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