Popular Culture Essay

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POPULAR CULTURE Introduction Raymond Williams in his Keywords:a vocabulary of culture traces the term from its earliest uses in English in the 15thc in law and politics-Popularis –belonging to the people.During the first few years of its existence, popular was understood as a negative term meaning ‘low,’ ‘base’ ‘vulgar’ ‘of the common people’.By the late 18thc it began to mean ‘widespread’.Late 19thc the more familiar positive meanings we associate with ‘popular’began to accrue.This history is important because the meaning of the term shifts from embracing the perspective of an elite class that looked down its collective nose at the common people to celebrating and remaking what those common people valued.Thus over the course of its lifetime the class allegiance of popular has shifted dramatically. Another perspective is that Popular culture is simply culture that is widely favoured or well-liked by many people, eg: quantitative index-sale of books, tickets etc. But the question that arises is when does culture become popular culture or high culture becomes pop culture. This approach suggests that PC is the culture that is left over after we have decided is high culture. Accommodating those cultural texts and practices which fail to meet the reqd. standard of high culture. This suggests a substandard culture. Thus to pass this culture-pop culture test there will have to be a criteria ,a value judgments, some critical insights. Thus this method ensured and made clear the difference between HIGH and PC and also fixed it for all times .But problems arose with this fixity eg. Shakespeare now considered high was considered popular in the 19th c .Popular carries with it connotations of inferiority .i.e.it is good because popular but also bad for the same reason eg. popular press and quality press, popular cinema and art cinema or even park opera which was considered as
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