Pollution At My City

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Assignment 1- Essay Environmental issues are everyone’s concern. Instead of protecting the earth from further exploitation, pollution, and other form of abuse, we have contributed directly towards its continuous degradation and contamination. As caring and concerned inhabitants we should realize the importance of the environment and take precautions to safeguard it. In about 600 words, discuss the cause and effects of pollution in your city and suggest possible solution to this issue. Pollution is defined as natural ingredients in the atmosphere are replaced or damaged by presence of dangerous unnatural ingredients (carbon monoxide, chlorofluorocarbon, factory waste and poison) which have potentiality to cause imbalance to the system and to create number of health hazards to animals and human beings. The pollution index in our country Malaysia is getting worst from time to time, according to the researchers in Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment had proven that. Well, there are several sources that can leads to pollution. The main pollution that occurs at the town I’m living in is air pollution. Air pollution is to be the main problem occurs because around the housing area of my place of living has been allocated a few factories which giving out some waste of smoke and toxic gases into the air consistently which are against the Factory Acts 1948. Due to the mix culture and different races that lives together in the same street, open burning such as bush burning, joystick burning and some religions burning habit causes the pollution at my residential area. It then followed by the irresponsible acts of human being that are lazy to walk a few more steps to the trash bin to get the rubbish disposed properly. Usually these can be seen and knowing it by looking where the bag of rubbish is dumped. The bag of rubbish is usually seen lifting behind untidily
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