Politics of Globalization Country Case Report

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INTB 3352-Long Le Country Case Report Venezuela Located in the north of South America, Venezuela has been a nation that has caught the attention of many countries, including the United States. Venezuela, having one of the world’s largest oil reserves, was an initiator of the organization named OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries). By this, Venezuela was introducing itself to the globalist world, increasing its chances and becoming a prospect to be a global superpower for decades. It is a fact that globalization has presented growth opportunities to this nation. Supposedly, people try to choose virtuous leaders to be president of a country. However, Venezuelans have not been smart when it comes to elect these leaders, which have brought chaos to such a rich country, geographically speaking. As a result, political and financial crisis have made the path of success extremely difficult for this nation. For example, in 1980’s fatal rebellions happened, in 1992 Hugo Chavez was the leader of an attempted coup against the government, but his military movement was defeated. Hugo Chavez ended in jail and imprisoned for two years. In 1993, the current president, Carlos Andres Perez was impeached for his poor administration. All of these political problems have led to national feeling of change. In the needing of change, Hugo Chávez came to power following several decades of mismanagement and corruption at the hand of Venezuela’s traditional political parties, which saw poverty and increased the gap between rich and poor, notwithstanding the nation’s oil abundance. In the presidential election of 1998, he made look himself as the perfect candidate to elect. From the time Mr. Chavez was elected, his goal had been to reform the political, economic and social structures of the nation, to reflect what he called as “21st century socialism.” The foreign
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