Pole-Shift Essay

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Pole-Shifts Pole-Shifts are responsible for causing rapid changes, with dramatic alterations of geography and localized areas of destruction due to earthquakes and tsunamis. These changes can take place in weeks, days, or even hours. Resulting in a variety of different scenarios. The results of a shift occurring results in major climate changes for most of the earth’s surface, as areas that were formerly equatorial become temperate and areas that were temperate become either more equatorial or more arctic. A Pole-Shift is the ultimate disaster! Enormous tidal waves (5 miles high) will roll across the continents as oceans become displaced from their basins. Hurricane winds of hundreds of miles per hour will scour the planet. Earthquakes greater than any ever measure will change the shape of the continents. Volcanoes (all of them, and some new ones!) will pour out huge lava flows, along with poisonous gases and choking ash. Climates will change instantly, and the geography of the globe will be radically altered. If the pole shift is less than a full 180 degrees, the polar icecaps will melt rapidly, raising sea levels, while new icecaps will begin to build. A large numbers of organisms, including much of the human race, will be decimated or even become extinct, with signs of their existence hidden under thick layers of sediment and debris, or at the bottom of newly established seas. Pole-Shifts cause cataclysmic upheavals, which can deluge entire continents, make mountains out of molehills and sea beds, raze civilizations to rubble and humanity to recurrent grubbing around with stones. Things that can result from the effects of Pole-Shifts can be viruses or bacteria (from all of the dead bodies), weather (storms, floods, hurricanes), geographical upheavals within the Earth, and disturbances from the outer environment of space. A Pole-Shift

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