Plato Aristotle And The Aristotelian Analysis

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Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, lived between the years 384 to 322BC and was the student of a teacher by the name of Plato 427 to 347BC who is commonly recognized as one of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosophers. Even though Plato was Aristotle’s teacher, Aristotle essentially disagreed with his teacher on just about everything and thus, Aristotle created the Aristotelian Analysis. Plato was the son of prosperous and prosperous Athenian parents and began his philosophical career as a student of Socrates and was said to have been born in 427 BC and died around the age of eighty or eighty-one. In the beginning of Plato’s literary efforts, he tried to express the general idea of Socrates’ teaching by presenting accurate reports of Socrates conversational interaction. However, his later works combined ethics, political philosophy, moral psychology, epistemology, and metaphysics into an interrelated and methodical philosophy. To Plato, there was no natural sense on how men ought to live. Education was to be the key to the construction of a better society; from the "educated" would arise the elite to rule society. Plato is also the person from whom we get the theory of Forms, which states the world we know through the senses is only an imitation of the pure, eternal, and unchanging world of the Forms. Before becoming Aristotle’s teacher, Plato might have been what one considered a traveler, though this accusation is only estimated. Plato’s works show evidence that he may have been in Egypt, Italy, and Sicily. Timaeus was the only one of Plato’s works that was not related to the Western world until medieval times, and was preserved by Moslem scholars in the Middle East. However, several other works, including thirteen letters and eighteen epigrams, have been attributed to Plato. These other works are generally called the spuria and the

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