Plastic Surgery Should Be Not A Matter Of Critici

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It was an interesting opinion from the opponent. Of course, plastic surgery has side effects and addiction problems. However, any surgery has side effects and so does plastic surgery. Also, excessive addiction to plastic surgery should be a matter of consideration but not the plastic surgery itself. However, having plastic surgeries done has so many positive sides, majorly three important pros. First of all, many people think that plastic surgery has only cosmetic purposes but plastic surgery also has surgical reasons as well. Yes, I agree that aesthetic reason is why majority of the plastic surgeries are done but surgical purpose cannot be ignored. What I mean is that problems from car accidents, fire burnings, and other kinds of results from disastrous accidents can be cured. In fact, increasing number of plastic surgery such as total transplantation and skin grafting is done to correct a disfigurement due to an accident or birth defect. Plastic surgery is nearly the only way to gain back the normal face of the past when there is a disastrous effect on the appearance after serious fire burnings or car accidents. Therefore, the plastic surgery itself is becoming the hope for the patients who suffered from negative attention from the world. People who have fire burns or scars from accidents always receive the odd gaze from others and as time pass, the victims of accidents become afraid of going outside. Disagreeing and criticizing plastic surgery is like taking away their hope and giving more stress as well as fear for the victims of accidents. Second, people can gain self-esteem and pride through plastic surgery for both aesthetic and surgical purpose. Nowadays, especially in Korea, many people are having plastic surgeries for their own attractiveness. In addition, styling is important to males as well, so that plastic surgery is now becoming a consideration for
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