Plastic Surgery Essay

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Inner Beauty beats outer beauty Society has painted a picture of beauty as a thin flawless model with the body of a goddess. Because of how society has painted this picture most women are convinced that they must look this way to be/feel beautiful. The easiest way to achieve this is by having plastic surgery. Society has not only led women to believe they must look like the images but also men. They believe that to look beautiful they must look like the images that are in magazines, on television and in movies. Most Hollywood celebrities visually influence others to believe thin and flawless is beautiful. Although plastic surgery can improve appearance and self image through reconstructive and cosmetic surgery it can cause a lot of harm which may lead to certain risks and even death. One major disadvantage to plastic surgery is cost. Most costs of the actual surgery do not include surgeon fees, hospital fees, medication costs and after care costs. Plastic surgery usually costs a fortune which most people cannot afford therefore it’s something only the rich are able to do. In some cases some patients do not like the results of the surgery and will feel they have wasted their money. Some patients tend to become addicted to surgery and will do what ever it takes to come up with money for the surgery even if it means taking money from rent, utility payments etc. In the article, “Plastic Surgery Confidential”, on the website Vanity Fair, the author Melanie Berliet states “Americans spent $13 Billion on 11.7 million cosmetic procedures (both surgical and non-surgical)” Another disadvantage to plastic surgery is time. People who plan to have plastic surgery must plan for time off work and school for time to heal and be comfortable being seen in public. The healing process for an average person can vary depending on factors such as age, and skin type. Besides
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