Planned Economy Essay

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A planned economy is also referred to as a command or controlled economy because in this economy basically the government decides everything from what good is to be produced to how much is to be produced and even how much is to be charged on each goods and services. In this economy there is no room for businesses, they have no incentive to make business in this economy because of the low profit making. Examples of countries with this type of economy are China, Cuba and North Korea. A planned economy is a “type of economy that gives the government total control over the allocation of resources. A planned economy alleviates the use of private enterprises and allows the government to determine everything from distribution to pricing, planned economies basically give the government dictatorship type control over the resources of the country, planned economies can provide stability, but also can limit the growth and advancement of the country if the government does not allocate resources to the innovative enterprises” as defined by However in a mixed economy, well is what I would call a fair economy because in this economy decisions are made by both firms and households, the government also plays a part in this economy by ensuring that everything runs smoothly but they only intervene when necessary. An economic system in which the government imposes boundaries on capitalism to limit the concentration of power and achieve social balance. The U.S. economic system is a mixed economy as defined by A free market system is a market economy based on supply and demand with little or no government control, a completely free market is an idealized form of a market economy where buyers and sells are allowed to transact freely (i.e. buy/sell/trade) based on a mutual
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