Pio Poem Analysis

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Matrix Education Matrix Education Stanley Hu Stanley Hu Poetry Analysis Poetry Analysis Question 1: Expand and refine your response to question 11 in the theory booklet. The poem is a play on a McDonald’s advertising jingle that was used in the late 70’s and early 80’s. In the original poem, red and yellow lines alternate. How does PiO use these techniques to bring across his message about McDonald’s? Explain. Poem: McDonald's Cheesburgers by Pi.O. from 'Panash' (1978) -the meat- has a high fat content -the lettuce- 12 chemicals to keep it "crisp!" -the cheese- 3 x 3 yellow lino -the pickles- loaded: polysorbate 80 -the bun- a 13% sugar loading McDonald's isn't food it's propoganda The above poem, titled McDonald’s Cheesburgers from PiO’s collection ‘Panash’ (1978) is a ridicule against a popular McDonald’s jingle of the late 20th century. Here PiO criticises this advertisement through several aspects of the jingle. PiO also uses a variety of techniques in order to bring his message across to his audience. The most prominent technique that PiO utilises is the colour of the words within the poem. Most people would know the famous trademark colours of McDonalds – red and yellow. Almost everybody in the world is able to recognise the large yellow ‘M’ emblazoned upon the red arching background. Although PiO’s poem does not promote the franchise itself in anyway, it does make a point that the main topic area is going to be McDonalds. By using this method, the poem both creates visual appeal as well as differentiating this poem from standard poetry forms. Another noticeable technique that PiO has used in his poem would be the title. Although readers may not notice this at first, the word ‘cheeseburgers’ is spelt incorrectly in the title as ‘cheesburgers’, without the ‘e’. Obviously this was not done accidentally,
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