Ping Sweep and Port Scan Activities

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Ping Sweep and Port Scan Activities Abstract Ping sweeps and port scans has been a notorious and yet a useful tool for hackers and system administrators alike. This paper will examine some of the possible criminal computer activities that can be executed using these two techniques. Ping sweeps and port scans at times can be a nuisance to system administrators. While describing some of these notorious computer activities, these techniques will also be shown how system administrators can use the to benefit the company. Keywords: port scan, ping sweep Ping Sweep and Port Scans Activities With the evolution of the computer technology, system administrator obviously has had to grow with the technology. With that come hackers whose intent is to maliciously disturb or steal information from a network. Ping sweeps and port scans are computer software or activities that hackers and system administrators use to gain access to personal and company networks. This paper will explain what ping sweeps and port scans are. It will inform you on how hackers and system administrators used ping sweeps and port scans. While describing some of these notorious computer activities, these techniques will also be shown how system administrators can use to benefit the company. Two techniques that are used to attack a network is ping sweep and port scans. These activities can be used with malicious intent against, as well as, in effort to try to protect a network. Ping sweeps and port scans has been a notorious and yet a useful tool for hackers and system administrators. Ping sweeps and port scans at times can be a nuisance to system administrators. Ping sweeps and port scans work together and can be dangerous but it also can be prevented. A ping sweep, also known as an Internet Control Message Protocol sweep (ICMP) is a basic
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