Physics of Bungee Jumping

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Research Question: To find the safety height for bungee jumping for a person weighing between 60kgs to 80 kgs. VARAIBLE LIST: Independent Variable: The mass dropped from a certain height Dependent Variable: The height of the first fall with the different masses. Controlled Variable: The height from which the mass is dropped is controlled. (Air resistance is taken to be negligible). Also, the elastic string used for the fall will be controlled and kept constant. The height reached in the first fall will be taken for all the falls. DIAGRAM: APPARATUS: Motion sensor, clamp, stool, weights uptil 100 gms, elastic bands PLAN FOR COLLECTION OF DATA AND METHODOLOGY: The mass attached to the band will be varied starting from 20gms till 100 gms, varied by 20 gms each time. (40 gms, 60 gms, 80 gms, 100 gms). The mass will be tied to the elastic band, which is attached to the clamp. It will be dropped from a height and almost, as simultaneously the motion sensor will be started. The height of the first fall will be noted. Two more trials will be conducted with the same mass until the next mass is changed and dropped again. This will give us the different falls with increasing masses, which will later be used to calculate the safety height for a person weighing between 60 kgs to 80 kgs. PLAN FOR CONTROL OF VARIABLES: The air resistance is kept constant and considered negligible by carrying out the experiment in the same room. The elastic band will be changed after experiment to another identical band so that if there is any stretching from the previous mass, that does not affect the new fall recorded. The height from which the mass is dropped is kept constant by marking a point from where the mass is dropped and then dropping it from there each time. DATA COLLECTION The raw data table showing the different distances of the first fall

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