Physical Worksheet Essay

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Physical Fitness Worksheet Being physically fit is an important aspect of obtaining optimal health. Becoming knowledgeable about what it means to be physically fit may greatly increase your ability to improve your health and wellness. In this worksheet, you identify the five components of health related fitness. Completing this assignment is a step towards gaining the knowledge needed to better manage your physical fitness. Five Components of Health Related Fitness Table Complete the table below. The first row has been filled in for you as an example. Components of Physical Fitness | Description | How to Incorporate in Your Life | Benefit(s) | Cardiorespiratory Fitness | Being able to exercise at a moderate to high intensity for a long period of time | Walk 2 miles at a brisk pace every day. | Reduced the risk of heart disease, hypertension, and high cholesterol. | Muscular Strength | The amount of force your muscles can exert against resistance. | Start light and work way up to heavier weight lifting. | Not only to aid in weight loss but also builds muscle to help protect bones. Reduces diabetes risk and increases metabolism. | Muscular Endurance | The ability to continue to use muscular strength. | Push ups, pull ups, continued weight lifting. | It is what keeps the muscular strength going for longer period of time. Aids in the increased effects of muscular strength. | Flexibility | The range of movement of the joints and the length in muscles across the joints. | Stretching techniques before any physical activity. | Decreases the chance of pulled muscles. Prepares body for exercises. | Body Composition | The percentages of fat, bone and muscle in human bodies. | Have your body fat measured by measurement calipers. | This will tell you your body fat ratio and give you insight for either weight loss

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