Physical Discipline Essay

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NAME: Pam Henry THESIS: There are some people who feel, and some people who do not feel that physical discipline is a necessary step in child development. BACKGROUND: When a child is disciplined, they are being given a solid foundation in which they will exercise good behavior, self control and they will make positive choices in life. I feel that physical discipline in some cases is necessary. However, there are some people who do not feel the same, just because some of us makes a decision to do this, it does not mean that we have poor parenting skills. OBJECTIVE: To attempt to educate some parent(s) on physical discipline. To also inform those parent(s) just because this is one persons personal choice does not make them to be or seem like a parent(s) who do not care about their children. A foundation is being laid. SUPPORTING POINTS: 1. A. A parent(s) who will discipline is a parent(s) setting a foundation for their child. Preparing them for adult hood B Since some parent(s) have made the decision to use physical discipline, they are setting a foundation for that child. Every child needs a foundation. However, every parent(s) has to do what works for their child in order to get the foundation set. This will also prepare them for adult hood. C Parent(s) should always be consistent with their child. It’s not good to show a child that there is no consistency. If a child feels this way then they think will be able to get away with just about everything that they do because the parent(s) is showing the child that they cannot be consistent with them on everything. 2. A. As a parent(s) it would be in the parent(s) best interest to discipline with love. If a parent(s) does not show the child they are being disciplined out of love then that child will believe that their parent(s) is disciplining them out of hatred.

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