Physical Appearence and Leadership Opportunity

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Problem Leadership plays a big role in everyone's life. In the student organizations on campus, one may be a member and play the follower role, or one may be the president and play the leader role. In the work force, the CEO and the board of directors lead the company while new-entry employees follow to accomplish assignments. Blaker et al (2013) defined "leadership is a process of influence to achieve group goal." Leadership is also a skill to govern people and solve problems efficently, and it is desirable. Not everyone has the potential chance to become a leader. Sorokowski (2010) stated "only 3% of 500 executives of the largest American companies are shorter than 170 cm, while over half of them measure more than 180 cm." The pattern of height advantage is seen in presidential races, too. "In the 20th century, US presidential elections, the taller candidate usually won (22 out of 25 times) (Sorokowski, 2010)." The taller candidates are twice likely to win the presidential race (Blaker, 2013). Not only height affects leadership opportunity. Armstrong, Green, Jones, and Wright (2010) stated leadership judgments made from faces of unfamiliar political candidates have predicted real election outcomes in American congressional, gubernatorial, and presidential races. The face cues also affect federal election outcomes in Australia and Japan. Leadership opportunity is affected by physical apperance and put groups of people into difficult situation, at the same time, the other group of people have the chance to take advantage of personal lookings. Research Question My research question concerns the relationship between physical apprearence and leadership opportunity. Significance Being successful is my goal, and I think it is also many other people's goal. A successful person has a large chance to make a good living and enjoy life. My success will bring
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