Phones in Schools

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Dear Editor, I am writing to express my views on the topic of Cell Phones in Schools. I am pleased that the use of cell phones are banned in my school. They appear to be a problem within schools in many ways. I believe that cell phones should be banned in all schools in New Zealand. This issue affects me because I am a student. Many schools around New Zealand ban students from using their cell phones during school hours. My school highly recommends that cell phones should be left at home, otherwise switched off, and at the bottom of your bag. I do not believe that having cell phones at school is appropriate. Because of this I respect my schools policy which benefits the students (myself), for example, our education and safety. I think cell phones are a bad influence on students, during school hours. Students should be coming to school for an education. Teachers are required to teach students. Teachers neither want, or have the time to compete with a phone to gain student's attention. I also believe the use of cell phones during class time it is entirely disrespectful and rude, not only to the teacher, but also the students trying to learn. If you use your phone in class, that is technically saying to the teacher, that I do not care about you, and I do not care about what you are teaching. This is simply why banning the use of cell phones in schools, benefits the schools working environment, for both teachers and students. I also think that cell phones can have a massive impact on one's self-esteem. Cell phones are for communicating, and serve no real purpose during school. They usually direct attention to irrelevant activities, such as texting and social network sites, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. One of the most common misuses of social network sites is cyber bullying. An article dated, Monday November 5, 2012, from 'The New Zealand Herald', focused on

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