Philosophy Of Special Education

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I believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. I believe that all children with special needs are entitled to the same quality of education as children without disabilities. I also believe that every student can learn, have strengths, and are worthy of respect. In my opinion, people aren’t normal but differences are and that it what makes us all unique. I think that people put labels on people with special deficits like they are objects. I believe that they can learn, have strengths, and are worthy of respect like everyone else. I believe that special education and regular education are similar for a few reasons. First, I believe that they are similar because the teachers can use similar teaching methods to teach the children. Children that are in special education classes are capable of learning and grasping academic concepts just like students in a regular class setting. Secondly, they can live a normal life as long as these students receive appropriate support and accommodations for their special needs. Lastly, they both have the opportunities for growth and development which mostly occurs when the environment is nurturing. I believe there aren’t that many differences between special education and regular education. To be honest, the only difference I see is that students who receive special education services are that they are entitled to extra help with their studies. This can mean extended test time; help reading materials, smaller assignments, and so on. They suffer from mental, physical, or emotional challenges .These unique situations make it difficult for students with special needs to understand and perform at adequate levels under the requirements of general education. IDEA emphasizes the importance of
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