Philip Anderson Essay

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Philip Anderson Case Three Investment Alternatives: Alternative A Growth fund from a large investment company Load or commission: None Average annual total returns over last 5 years (net of management fees): 10.73% Risk: Moderate Management fees: 0.4% Alternative B Growth fund from Stuart& Co. Load or commission: 5% front-end Average annual total returns over last 5 years (net of management fees): 10.62% Risk: Moderate Management fees: 1.2% Alternative C Exchange-traded fund Load or commission: 3% to purchase; 3% to sell Average annual total returns over last 5 years (net of management fees): 11.01% Risk: Moderate Management fees: None 1. Which of the investment alternative: Provides the highest returns to the client? Alternative A Given the same risk level, the more return for the same amount of investment the higher returns to the client. For instance, your client wants to invest $100. For alternative A, the client will receive $10.69 in return. (The investment of $100 turns to $99.6 after the management fee, and receives $99.6*10.73%=$10.69 in return). For alternative B, the client will receive $9.96 in return. (The investment of $100 turns to $93.8 after the management fee and front-end load, and receives $93.8*10.62%=$9.96 in return). For alternative C, the client will receive $10.35 in return. (The investment of $100 turns to $94 after the purchase and sell commissions, and receives $94*11.01%=$10.35 in return) Provides the highest profits to Stuart & Co.? Alternative B Using the same scenario as the above example, Alternative B will generate $6.2 profit to Stuart & Co. while Alternative A and C generate $0.4 and $6. 2. Which alternative should the top management of Stuart & Co. want Philip to recommend to his client? Is the company’s control system designed to ensure that choice? (The case mentions

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