Phenomenology Essay

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Phenemenology introduced by Edmund Husserl to establish philosophy as a rigorous science. What is rigorous science? Qualification? Science that is presoposition less or scienct that contains a min number of preposition. What does it presuppose to pass the board exam will presuppose that you graduate pharmacy presuppose completed all academic requirement. A condition or prerequisite unlike licard so amaze with science. Russel dissatisfied with science. Acc to russel ricard philosophy the methodic doubt contains so many presupposition and it does not qualify as a rigorous science bec a rigorous science it must be a science with presupposition less. Even the idea anthropocentric, the center man is a presupposition why ? because acc to russel ricard said that no matter how you doubt, u can doubt about everything, you can doubt about God, the world your body senses sometimes you are deceived by your senses and the n likart arrived at the custom I think before I am . but acc tp russel the fogitom ergosum is not a result of doubt but it is a presupposition why? Bec it is unthinkable for you to be able to doubt everything to be able to doubt god and the world if we do not presuppose that we exist so fe is not a result of your doubt but a presupposition bec how can you doubt if you don’t exist it is unthinkable I t is beyond imagination to say that bec you doubt you exist but it is bec you exist that is why you doubt. Otherwise if you doubt and you don’t exist then there is no doubting. That is why for russel did not agree to licard bec of idea that fugitum is a presupposition it is not the outcome, consequence, result of. Why dissatisfied with science be acc to russel science spec natural physcology treat men a mechanistic animal bec we react to a given stimuli and we are conditioned by a given stimuli we cannot go beyond and bec of this conditioning acc russel man is
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