Peters Theory Of Industrialization- The Student As

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Distance education is a practice which has been around for many years. It has undergone much development and refining, to conform to the rapid technological changes in our world. No longer is a student confined to a classroom, but he/she can now have classes in one part of the world while the instructor is in another part of the world. Added to this, educational access is now a possibility to those who never before thought it possible. This amount of growth has resulted in many theories being put forward as the educators seek guidance in furthering the process of distance education. Some of the theories put forward emphasize independence and autonomy and industrialization of the education process. This essay seeks to examine the theories put forward by Peters and Wedemeyer. Additionally this essay underscores the point that Peter’s theory of industrialization places the student as the object while Wedemeyer’s theory of independence places the student as the subject. Some of the key words used in this essay are theory, distance education, subject and object. Garrison (2000) addresses a theory as “a coherent systematic ordering of ideas” (p.3). Consequently a theory can be said to provide one with a general view of an issue. Moreover it is a concept used to guide practice. Secondly, Distance education is a form of education which is recognized by the separation of a teacher and student. Moreso, it makes use of technical media such as video or computer, which link the teacher and students, and helps to transmit the content (Keegan, 1990). Spodock (1995) adds to this definition by saying that distance education should provide opportunities for anyone, anywhere and at anytime. Moreover, he believes that it should be singularly focused on increased educational opportunities for everyone. Thirdly the subject of a sentence is what that sentence is speaking
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