Asylum Persuasive Speech

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Oral Presentation (Persuasive speech) Visualize that you are a 5 year old child born in Afghanistan. The Taliban have invaded your village, and they executed all your family excluding your aunty and one of your older sisters. You hide for years in Pakistan and your sister marries an older man. Mind the fact that she does not love him, but she needs the safety and security he provides her with. She sells all her possessions to support you, until you eventually have an abundant quantity of money for a boat trip to Australia. During the course of the trip you pass through an ample amount of countries such as China, Thailand and Malaysia. Subsequently, you disembark at a landing pier. You struggle to dismount out off rickety boat out to safety. Australia. The instant you place your foot on their territory, you are immediately imprisoned in a jail cell on Christmas Island. Good morning Mr O' Neil and class. The story that I have recently bestowed upon you, occurred to a young Afghanistan boy named Hussein. Hussein was at the mere age of 15 when he was incarcerated by the Australian…show more content…
They are not here un illegally! We are participants to the United Nations Refugee Convention which means that it is legal to seek asylum in Australia, despite the fact if you arrive by boat without a visa. Asylum seekers are perceived as ‘illegal immigrants' because politicians have made it seem so. By keeping the asylum seekers captive in detention centres, we let the public pass judgement on them, assuming that their prisoners who need to be caged up because they have committed an offense. By terminating mandatory detention and the misinterpretation of refugees in the community, the world would be a better place and Australians would actually be proud of who they are and what they stand for. Asylum seekers must be allowed to enter Australia to stop the misconception of refugees in the Australian

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