Persuasive Speech Essay

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Cover Letter CPR Training Nick Marciano Patrick Daugherty August 13, 2012 Name: Nick Marciano Topic: Rocky Marciano General: Purpose: To persuade. Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech the audience should be able to know the importance of CPR training. Proposition Value: It is extremely important that everyone receive CPR training. Introduction: “If there is a bystander who recognizes the emergency and is ready, willing and able to act, they can double or triple survival rates if they begin immediate CPR.” That was a quote from Mary Hazinski she is the vice president of Citizen CPR foundation. Today I will be talking about why everyone should learn how to perform CPR. I have three main points to share with you one is why it’s important to learn how to perform CPR. Two why it’s important to learn how to use an AED and the third is where to receive the proper training to become CPR and AED certified. Body: I: It’s important to learn how to perform CPR because a cardiac patient’s survival rate decreases with every second that goes by without intervention. A: According to the American heart association 70% of Americans feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency only 32% of cardiac victims receive CPR from a bystander. B: The American Red Cross states that only 8% of cardiac arrest that happen outside the hospital actually survives. C: If immediate CPR is implemented it can double, or triple that survival rate according to the D: CPR stands for Cardio pulmonary resuscitation the goal of CPR is to keep oxygenated blood flowing through the heart and brain. E: One of the most common fears of performing CPR is fear of catching a disease. But new research from the University of Washington has found that hands only CPR is

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