Personality, Values and Motivation

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Summary Of Personality, values, and motivation Laura Parks , Russell P. Guay When we consider about article that Laura Parks and Russel P. Guay wrote which describe interaction between Personality,values and motivation. It is timely and valuable topic for all social background. If we get article's macro view we can abstract it like follows. The basic construction of personality and values and how they related and how they are distinct in each others. And explanation for motivation. As well as personality and values how could influence in different manner to different motivation process. Now lets discuss above main points through critical views and facts. The connection between Personality and values are rarely studied together. Because that two is very extensively spreading in all over the places. Both influence for variety of behavioural outcomes. And these all linked each other in different ways. And they impact each other and also some time depend. The author explains 3 main topic one by one and connect each others. First he describes personality. What is personality? enduring dispositions that cause characteristic patterns of interaction with one’s environment. And he presents five factor models of personality FFM. There are Conscientiousness(responsible, organized, efficient), Emotional Stability(self-confident, resilient, well-adjusted), Extraversion (talkative, ambitious, assertive), Agreeableness (friendly, cooperative, loyal) and Openness to Experience (curious, imaginative, open-minded). And he relates with performance, job satisfaction, leadership and other outcomes. Broadly defined, values are conceptions of the desirable. In the article its goes through every way with values of preferences and values of principals. Values of preferences are how individuals attitude goes on and values of principals are how individuals ought to behave. The

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