Personality Profile Essay

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Personality Profile Jessica Mehr April 16, 2012 Project #1 When I took the Meyers-Briggs personality assessment I found that my personality type is ISFJ or guardian protector. The I stands for introverted or reserved, the S stands for sensory or observant, the F stands for friendly or feeling and the J stands for judging or scheduling. ISFJ’s are caretakers. They go about their caretaking modestly and because of this their efforts are sometimes overlooked. They are often shy with strangers which is sometimes misconstrued as stiffness. In reality guardians are warm hearted and sympathetic, giving happily of themselves to those in need. Guardians also hold a strong work ethic and are willing to work long hours doing all the thankless jobs others seem content to ignore. They are also quite content working alone and are often uncomfortable in positions of authority. I agree with most all of the findings in the report on guardian protectors, especially the part about protectors being caretakers. I often find myself trying to solve everyone’s problems or doing for others when I should be doing for myself. I also agree with how the report describes a guardian’s parenting role. I have been described as a “helicopter mom” (one who hovers over their child.) I recently have been trying very hard not to smother my child. It is sometimes a struggle though. The part of the findings I don’t agree with is the handling of money. The report says that guardians are frugal and don’t squander their money. I struggle when saving money and at times have a hard time not going over budget on shopping trips. I feel that the personality test would be useful for employers when hiring new employees to see if that person would mesh well with the rest of the company. I do not however think the results should be the deciding factor when choosing whether or not to

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