Personal Values Are in Conflict with Organizational/Interpersonal

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“What do you do if your personal values are in conflict with organizational/interpersonal business protocols?” Organizations are continuously changing to meet the demands of their customers in order to be more competitive. Conflict of values is inevitable, especially when individuals, groups, and organizations come in contact. Values are the basic beliefs that are relevant to you. (Pace, 2006) Everyone needs to prepare for conflict. Preparedness comes with an understanding of what is behind the conflict, the best way to approach the conflict and how to resolve it. Most of a person’s values are set before joining an organization. Values can be shaped and modified based on the environment. Personal values can cause conflicts between individuals or organizations. When a conflict stems from personal values, it can be difficult to remove the emotional aspects of the situation. The dilemma with personal values and organizational protocols rest with the individual. It is up to the individual to decide what values are willing to compromise on for the good of the organization and themselves. For example, the corporation might not have protocols on smoking. However, an individual’s personal value might be avoiding smokers. In order to be productive in the organization, he will need to understand why there is a conflict and what the best approach to handling this conflict. Most people share core values that include honesty, fairness, and dignity. When a conflict arises that challenges one of these values, the actions made have consequences affecting everyone in the organization. Going back to the example of smoking, if an individual in the organization speaks his disagreement openly about smoking only to face reprimand by the organization. Problems arise when employee’s personal values are misaligned with organizations and interpersonal protocols. These

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