Personal Narrative on Smoking

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Smoking Session Up in Smoke A child’s cough is the result of toxic fumes emitted into the air by thoughtless people. They come from near and far and effect many people. From their squared outlined pocket to their shortening breathe, they are smokers. The passive ones always stands out, more, because they look agitated and restless. As they continue to smoke, they are in a state of zero- gravity. Every inhale and exhale they take makes them at ease, “ready to float”. It’s easy for certain people to inhale those toxic fumes, but not for others. A cigarette lights up at a party, and others begin to cough. Chest began to tighten for others as the smoke travels near. The others at the party begin to gather, few disperse. They daydream a bit, planning their next move to join in or just occupied their time around it. A boy decides to walk away and just instantly become out casted by this peers. He stops as one of his peers took a deep breathe in, “cough”. But for now, the lighted cigarette still lingers. Its smoke fixed the other that chooses to stay. The passive ones rummage around looking for another to light as the ashes fall when smoke escape from the cigarette. As they light one up, they held out the cigarette to the young man, who is still in shock about his peer. His hand still continues to angle at his sides. He does not know his part. He does not know that acceptance of the gift and gratitude are what makes this transaction complete. His peers around him were nodding their heads, saying “yes, yes” or “Do it!” The boy does not look away, because everyone is now staring at him like a sponge, ready to soak up water. The smoker grows impatient and begins to pull away and the awes began to grow and turn into hurtful words. Finally, the boy’s hand raises and closes around the toxic stick. Was it rejection or acceptance that motivated the gift? I decide to
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