Personal Journey Essay

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My Personal Journey Journeys are moments in life that define and reconstruct the myths we create about ourselves and others. All too often the ideals of a biased community or select group are viewed as the model by which all individuals must follow. To escape the pressures of a collective standard a person must travel outside the constraints of a community and discover his or her own true identity. On such a journey one can expect moments of planned reflection or unexpected instances of revelation. A journey is every minute of my existence, as I travel through life and try to ascertain my own presence in its cycle. An essential journey occurred in 1995, my junior year of high school, when I was raped by a classmate. After a terrible situation reporting to the police and really processing what had happened to me, I felt even more confused and scared. I was seventeen years old; unsure of myself, unsure of whom I wanted to be, unsure of what I stood for. I was on the tail end of my identity versus role confusion stage (Hader 2009). According to Erikson, this stage was roughly ages 13 to 18 but after my rape, I know I had some issues with my own identity for quite a while. I became withdrawn, angry, and pessimistic but also head strong and determined. I think I remained the same person overall but I developed a more sinister, negative attitude toward life. My journey through life has not been defined by my rape but rather my life has been enhanced by my rape. I used to believe it was a traumatic event but after many years of experience and realizing my own transcendence, I now believe my rape was a big turning point in my life. It is where the old Michele and the new Michele learned to merge and love one another. I hope you will enjoy the journey through my life and events as I like to compare it to a raging river rapids course; there

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