Personal Is Political

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In the phrase personal is political, personal means individual in the society and political means the perspectives of the person towards societal affairs. Everybody in the society is part of the the social fabric. Therefore, every decisions individuals make that may seem personal can lead to huge political implications. In the essays "Stranger in the village" by James Baldwin and "Black men and public space" by Brent Staples, the authors discuss their points of view toward racial discrimination against African Americans. Both of the authors are African Americans and face racial discrimination, however, they have completely distinct thoughts toward the issue they are facing. They use their own experiences as a means to express their views of African American racism. From their writing, we can see that both of the authors have really different attitudes in this matter. Baldwin is sharing his experience of living in a Swiss village while he continues his writing. At the beginning of his essay, he describes the remoteness and primitiveness of the village as they never seen a black man before. When Baldwin first set foot in this village, the villagers treated him as an oddity instead of a human being. The children shouted him "neger" and were curious about his appearance like his skin color and the texture of his hair. Baldwin knows that they did it without a sense of unkindness, but his anger was hard to be dissembled. With a thought to make Baldwin feels more comfortable, a woman told him about the custom of "buying African natives for the purpose of converting them to the Christianity...This was reported to me with pride by the wife of of one of the bistro owner and I was careful to express astonishment and pleasure at the solicitude shown by the village for the souls of black folks" (306). This exposed Baldwin to the fact that racism exist everywhere even in this
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