Personal Image and First Impression

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Personal Image and First Impression You always hear someone say that appearance does not matter, but it does. As a society, we value appearances, no matter how often we hear how you look and act does impact your life. If I were to see a man wearing a three-piece suite and tie, my first impression would be that he is financially well off, intelligent businessman. On the flip side, if you see someone with dirty nails and tattoos all over them and wearing dirty jeans and a t-shirt, you would think they are a street thug and probably on drugs. It’s almost like a universal law that appearance matters, because its sets the image or stage of how people are going to think of you and how they will treat you. The clothes you wear, your hairstyle, your jewelry, your weight, height, facial expressions, and the way you walk and talk all play a part in how you will be treated. Even how you stand or the distance you stand from another person can make a lasting impression on a person’s image. If you blow that first impression, it can’t be redone. If you are trying to land a job, then you better nail it in every way. Fifty-seven percent of hiring managers reported that they are more likely to hire an attractive but unqualified person over an unattractive more qualified candidate. More then half of hiring mangers advised spending as much time and money on “making sure they look attractive” as on perfecting their resume, (Aquino, and Bhasin). Body appearance is important when trying to create a good image, because body gestures speak loudly without saying a word. The first thing that most people notice is your face, and facial expressions say a lot about what you’re feeling. I try to look everyone in the face or eyes when I am talking or listening them speak, but some cultures find this insulting. I feel that someone does not care what I am saying if they don’t look

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