Person I Like and Admire

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Person I Like And Admire A person I like and admire is my mother. Her name is Paulina and she has two sisters. She is a woman in her early forties. My mom is of a medium height. She doesn’t look very young, but she’s young at spirit. She has dark-brown medium length hair. Her hairstyle goes well with her oval face. Clear feauters make this woman look very serious and calm. She has quite high-brighted nose which means that she must be active and curious. And she really is.She always asks about school. Life and what has happend in the recent time.Her ears are hidden behind her hair. However, I know that they are small. Despite this fact they can hear all her child’s questions. She wears a pair of silver earrings which really express her woman charm. She has a fair compexion and greenich-brown lovely eyes. Her buetyful face is decorated with a bith-mark on her cheek. When you meet her, the first thing you notice is her smile playing with her curved full lips. She doesn’t need to wear the nake-up. However, she spends at least ten minutes in front of the mirror in the morning. I think without make-up she looks as pretty as with it. If you came to visit her at home you would see her in a track-suit and an old and worn T-shirt. However, you wouldn’t be suprised seeing her in a fashionable outfit in her work-time. She likes to wear simple to wear simple natural colors and patterns. In my opinion she could also get away with something extraordinary and smashing, but she is too serious to make something stupid just for fun. She can’t stand me or father turning up the radio or TV. She cares about what consenquents it has to be crazy fust for a moment. Even though, she isn’t old fashioned. My mom isn’t a very sociable person, but friendly and cheerful. She doesn’t like visiting any formal events and galas, but really enjoys a company of close friends. She is also very witty. I
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