Person Choice Essay

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Personal Choice involves making difficult decisions due to unknown consequences. Come one cannot make a personal decision that is going to be effective without fully knowing the consequences. Consequences are not normally gully known due fate or destiny, the actions of others are unpredictable and environmental discrepancies. This is shown in two of Frost’s poems, The Road Not Travelled and Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, also by Zack Snyder’s Watchmen. No Person knows their destiny and it is not until you have lived through they life that they may be able to find out. So making personal choices are hard because you don’t know where they are going to take you. Frost’s poem The Road not Taken shows this through the lexicon of “somewhere ages and ages hence”. This represents the long elapse in time to when the persona has lived through their life and seen what the consequences of this decision that he is making will take him. Though because he is in the present and doesn’t know where either of the paths will take him the personal choice is difficult. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening also explores this concept in the form of a poem by Robert Frost. Frost uses first person to convey how the destiny of the persona is being shaped by unknown consequences, “Whose woods these are I think I know” is an example of this. This question represents that these woods may belong to good or some kind of divine power that is controlling his destiny. In Watchmen the director shows this concept through the use of the super natural. Dr Manhattan is spoken about by a reported “I didn’t say superman exists and he is American, I said God exists and he is American” using ownership to portray arrogance. This is another case where this so called God is shaping the destiny of all those around him, though it makes all of the choices that Dr Manhattan makes so difficult because he

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